Kazuri Necklace DNK73


Kazuri Handmade Necklace: Interesting colour mix of blue and pewter grey. Ceramic beads in a longer style +-30″/76cm. Made in Kenya

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Kazuri Handmade Necklace

This Kazuri handmade necklace, including the ceramic beads, come from Kenya.


KAZURI is the Swahili word for “small and beautiful”. The company began in 1975 with a workforce of two African women, with the vision to create employment for disadvantaged and unemployed people, especially single mothers, in the town and region of Karen in Kenya.

The founders soon discovered that, in villages around Nairobi, there were many other women, most of whom were single mothers and in great need of regular employment. The mission of Kazuri is therefore to provide and sustain employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan society. This aim has resulted in Kazuri growing, and it currently has more than 340 people working in the workshop.

These women have developed a top quality product, which has enabled Kazuri to compete at an international level.


This wonderful jewelry, which depicts the beauty of Africa, starts with the clay being collected from Mount Kenya and being processed onsite.

Each bead is then hand rolled, carefully shaped, polished, fired, painted with designs, glazed and fired again. After many hands have touched and created the beads, they are then assembled into a beautiful piece of Fair Trade jewellery which is admired throughout the world.

The Kazuri workshop is situated on a section of what was the farm owned by Karen Von Blixen. Baroness Von Blixen was portrayed by Meryl Streep in the film ‘Out of Africa’.


Kazuri also has a clinic, which provides free medical care for its employees and their immediate families.


The African Collection is delighted to have this quality jewelry in its collection and, in a small way, help to support the principles of Kazuri in creating empowerment for Kenyans.

I hope that the Kazuri story inspires you to purchase a piece and thus, in turn, become part of the chain in improving the lot of others.